SMEs appear centered in the services sector

Approximately 80 of Spanish SMEs operate in the services sector, or so it appears from the report [Portrait of SMEs 2014], prepared by the General Office of Support to SMEs, which underlines the distance both the trade as the construction and industry sector.

Special mention should also be made for the volume of the same. Thus, there are three types of organizations representing micro 95.8 of the total, followed by small businesses with 3.5, and medium enterprises, which are only 1.

In relation to the billing of the same, microenterprises do not reach a volume of more than two million business. Concentrating small businesses with a turnover of less than ten million, and between forty and forty three million medium.

According to the report the Spanish SMEs accounted for 66 of employment generated, with smaller companies which produced more jobs.

How SMEs often find problem? With the lack of funding.